During the Shibuya Incident in Jujutsu Kaisen, Yuji Itadori faces immense challenges, battling powerful curses and confronting the horrors caused by Sukuna. This ordeal solidifies his resolve to protect others despite the emotional toll. Megumi Fushiguro pushes his Ten Shadows Technique to its limits, showcasing his growth and tactical prowess while hinting at his hidden potential. Satoru Gojo becomes the central target of a trap, battling an alliance of curses before his unexpected imprisonment, emphasizing his overwhelming power.
The Suguru Geto impostor orchestrates the chaos, demonstrating strategic mastery and driving much of the conflict. Nobara Kugisaki faces life-threatening encounters, displaying her fierce combat skills and unyielding spirit, leaving a significant impact. Meanwhile, Mahito thrives in the chaos, evolving his abilities and clashing directly with Yuji, embodying the arc’s darker themes of fear, hatred, and the unpredictability of curses.