In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders, Dio Brando returns as the series' iconic antagonist, now simply known as DIO. After grafting his head onto the body of Jonathan Joestar, DIO awakens from a century-long slumber, wielding the incredible power of his Stand, The World. With this ability, DIO can stop time, granting him a nearly unbeatable advantage in battle and making him one of the most dangerous foes in the Joestar lineage.
DIO’s presence in Part 3 is marked by his ruthless ambition to dominate the world and crush anyone who stands in his way, particularly the Joestar bloodline. He resides in a mansion in Cairo, commanding a network of Stand users to eliminate his enemies. With his charisma, intelligence, and malevolence, DIO represents the ultimate challenge for Jotaro Kujo and his allies as they journey across the globe to confront him.
His appearance in Stardust Crusaders is distinct, marked by his muscular physique, golden attire, and sinister aura, embodying his role as both a vampire and a Stand user of terrifying might.