Toji Fushiguro, known as the "Sorcerer Killer," is a complex and formidable character in Jujutsu Kaisen. Born as a member of the prestigious Zenin family, Toji was shunned due to his lack of cursed energy. This drove him to reject the sorcerer world and carve out a path as a ruthless assassin, utilizing his exceptional physical abilities and mastery of weaponry.
Despite having no cursed energy, Toji’s combat prowess is unparalleled. He compensates with heightened senses, incredible strength, speed, and his use of the Inverted Spear of Heaven and the Playful Cloud weapons. Additionally, he wields a special cursed spirit that acts as his weapon repository, enabling him to surprise opponents with a variety of lethal tools.
Toji's existence brings turmoil to the jujutsu world, particularly affecting his son, Megumi Fushiguro, whose fate Toji had set in motion before his demise. Toji’s story explores themes of strength, defiance, and the tragic consequences of a life lived outside the boundaries of sorcery.