Naruto follows Naruto Uzumaki, a spirited and mischievous ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village. As an orphan shunned by others due to the Nine-Tails Fox sealed within him, Naruto dreams of becoming the village’s Hokage—the strongest and most respected ninja.
Despite his struggles, Naruto trains relentlessly, forming bonds with his teammates: the prodigious Sasuke Uchiha, the intelligent Sakura Haruno, and their wise mentor Kakashi Hatake. Together, they face dangerous missions, powerful foes, and uncover dark secrets within their world.
Throughout his journey, Naruto learns the true meaning of friendship, perseverance, and the burden of power. With epic battles, emotional depth, and themes of hope and acceptance, Naruto tells the story of a boy’s unwavering resolve to carve his own path and protect those he loves.