Roronoa Zoro, also known as the "Pirate Hunter," is the sword-wielding vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and one of the most formidable fighters in the One Piece universe. Wielding his iconic three-sword style (Santoryu), Zoro aspires to become the greatest swordsman in the world, a promise he made as a child to his deceased rival and friend, Kuina.
Zoro is a man of honor, discipline, and unwavering loyalty to Monkey D. Luffy, his captain. He is known for his immense physical strength, determination, and willingness to sacrifice himself for his crewmates. Despite his serious nature, he has a comedic side, especially due to his poor sense of direction and constant conflict with Sanji.
Throughout his travels across the Grand Line and the New World, Zoro faces off against legendary swordsmen and develops his skills, remaining a central force within the crew and a symbol of loyalty and perseverance.